Welcome to She is Bri+e 

Hey there, it’s Bri! I’ll explain why I added the ‘e’ a little later. As I strengthen my relationship with Christ, learn more about the world and continue on my life’s journey, I hope to inspire those around me; hence the blog. I want to inspire you to create, love, share, give, seek and much more. So again, why was Shesbrie created? I created Shesbrie so that my story, as a twenty-three year old, Christ following, sushi loving, dreamer, will drive you to do more in your life. I’m a strong believer in this quote:

“What we put into the world is often what we receive back.”

In 2014, I lost my grandmother, Emma. If I could define her in one word it would be love. Her love for life and people was contagious. When I began to blog and decide to create a brand for myself, I added an ‘e’. Her spirit of loving others will always be with me. To read my blog post, either click here or click the link ‘BLOG’ above.

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